Cute Mega Man and Link custom vinyl figs make me giggle

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Who doesn’t love a good vinyl figurine? Something nice and sturdy that can sit upon your desk or nightstand. Maybe strategically arrange a few of those Castle Crashers knights to defend your dresser from invading sugar ants.

The big thing I see popping up in stores lately are POP! Vinyls by Funko. You’ve of course got your range of superheroes and Disney characters, but what about videogame stars? When I saw the above figures of Mega Man and Link, I nearly dove for my wallet. Upon closer inspection, they are custom creations, which fills me with no small measure of sadness.

If you are disheartened that you can’t spend money on these, you can blame artist Tim “Timmaytimmtim” Gilardi. How dare he make awesome things that I can’t actually buy!

Megaman: Custom Pop! I made. [Tumblr via Protodude’s Rockman Corner]
Link: Custom Pop! I made. [Tumblr]

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Tony Ponce
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