David Cage awarded France’s Legion of Honor

The nation’s highest decoration

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Quantic Dream’s David Cage (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls) is being awarded France’s highest decoration, the Legion of Honor, for his contributions to the country’s videogame industry, Le Figaro reports.

Cage is the first video game developer to receive the award, which requires a minimum of 20 years of public service or 25 years of professional activity and “eminent merits,” the latter of which some of you assuredly disagree with. 

In 2006, France’s culture minister awarded Shigeru Miyamoto, Michel Ancel and Frederick Raynal the Chevalier of Arts, though they aren’t card carrying knights like Cage.

But let me stop you from whinging about Cage with a sleight. You should all go check out Willem Dafoe in The Hunter. Hopefully it’s still up on Netflix. It is incredibly good and more people need to watch it.

Jeux vidéo: la Légion d’honneur pour David Cage [Le Figaro] 

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Steven Hansen
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