Just in time for EVO
As a nice little warmup for this weekend’s EVO fighting game tournament, Team Ninja has opened up about one new and one returning fighter that will accompany Kasumi and co. in Dead or Alive 6.
The newcomer, Diego, is a street fighter hailing from New York. He’s got a wardrobe that almost looks like No More Heroes‘ Travis Touchdown at a glance, and he seems to love headbutting people.
As reported by IGN, series antagonist and oil-platform worker Rig is set to return for Dead or Alive 6. You can see him and Diego get into a scrap in the footage embedded above.
We’ll see even more of the game this weekend at EVO. Team Ninja is hosting a freeplay event for Dead or Alive 6 (Friday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm), an exhibition match (7:00pm to 10:00pm), and a “mini tournament” (Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm). It’s the first public hands-on opportunity.
Dead or Alive 6: ‘Diego’ Revealed, ‘Rig’ Returns [IGN]
Published: Aug 1, 2018 05:15 pm