Design a house from your couch with Our House for the Wii

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“Few things are as exciting as building and personalizing a home of your own,” says Majesco’s Gui Karyo, “and only the innovative Wii remote makes it possible to hammer every nail and paint every wall.”

Well, when you put it like that, Majesco’s upcoming Wii exclusive title Our House might take that HGTV obsession you have to the next level. Developed by Budcat Creations (the folks behind the PlayStation 2 port of Guitar Hero III), Our House will let players design and customize their own home from the ground up. From purchasing materials at the Home Store to sawing wood, painting walls, and landscaping, this game sounds like a hell of a lot of work.

Fortunately, all of that blood, sweat, and tears can be flaunted using Wii Connect 24 — the game features a “Neighborhood Mode” where gamers can share and build a community. More competitive home improvement junkies can go head-to-head in the game’s four-player “build-off” modes.

When my toilet runs, I call a plumber. I hire neighborhood kids to cut my lawn. Sheetrock scares me. Maybe I’ll learn a thing or two when the game launches on the Wii Holiday 2008.

About The Author
Nick Chester
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