final fantasy vi ost cblogs

Which Final Fantasy title has your favorite soundtrack?

Cblogs of 11/27 to 12/3/2021

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Virtua Kazama writes about the Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Shodown in honor of Virtua Fighter month.

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-PhilsPhindings discusses the similarities between the soundtrack of Final Fantasy VI and various other genres.

Black Red Gaming reacts to a new Fortnite character leak (satire).

ChronoLynxx opens this week’s TGIF community forum for open discussion.

Thanks to Lord Spencer for another great recap! If you wanna join the HOT TAKE party, then simply mosey on over to the Cblogs section and have your say. If you have thoughts on gaming, new or old, share them with us and you will find yourself recapped, (or perhaps even Promo’d), next week.

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