Destructoid finger bangs Spike! Watch me violate GameTrailers TV!

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I never know how to write a post when I am asking people to watch a video with me in it. I don’t know; it just makes me sound so … cocky.

Let’s just get this over with quickly, since I feel so uncomfortable.

If you missed my appearance last night on Spike’s GameTrailers TV, you can catch it all in the above video (it’s a half hour long, so grab some popcorn). On the show, some fellow videogame “insiders” and I discuss the nominees for the Spike VGA Game of the Year (the annual awards show airs tomorrow night at 8 PM EST).

In one of the clips, I wear a moustache.

Oh, and I have a funny story about why I was holding back laughter when I make my pick for best game of the year. Ask me about it over a beer sometime.

Dogs are intense.

About The Author
Chad Concelmo
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