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Lets jump right into it, shall we? On Destructoid, an all Black college football game is coming out and you can have sex with unicorns in Second Life. Over on Japanator, we talked a lot about porn! There’s also a picture of a porn star being vacuumed sealed (hawt!).
Over on the Cblogs, Volcanon is giving away a Halo 3 Legendary edition just because he wants to. Finally, on the Forums, there’s a good thread that has 5 free games to check out.
What were your favorite stories of the week?
- Game Debate to the Death! Valve VS id
- Black College Football: The Xperience: Is this racist or just really stupid?
- Become a Rock Band rockstar — like, right now
- Factor 5 absolves itself over Lair being a big pile of wank
- Second Life gets even creepier: Sex with unicorns anyone?
- The Internet shouldn’t be for porn: Critical Mass and Adult Source Media fight illegal hentai distrobution on the ‘net
- Our tribute to the loli-lover
- Lucky Star porn in the works. Bonus: More Lucky Star porn in the works, this one fresher. Bonuser, this story has a picture of a hot chick being vacuum sealed.
- Bestiality? Fishiality? What’s the term for copulating with a fish?
- Anime and game theme songs done in traditional Japanese folk style
- Games That Defined Me…Einhander — Excremento
- Community Contest: Who wants to win teh Halos? — Volcanon
- Life, Destructoid & The Pursuit of Happiness — masterledz
- The Making of a Gamer Girlfriend — MechaMonkey
- Even better than First Post. Introducing COMMENT ZERO — Testicle
- Destructoid Tattoo. Way to misspell Destructoid, Thornnn.
- Which would you choose: Sex or Innernet?
- The great game debate
- 5 great games that are free!
- Oh hai! Welcome new forum members LifeOnRepeat, flynsk, Catalyst, and Guruthos.
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Published: Sep 9, 2007 02:54 pm