Destructoid (the show): It’s the Friday Edition

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Happy Start-of-the-Weekend from everyone at the Destructoid show! Well, mostly just Max and me. Tonight’s episode is chock full of that special seasoning we sprinkle on every Friday show (better known as crack).

Having said that, let me preemptively apologize for the first minute of today’s show. You see, it was a light news day, so instead of our usual introduction, Max saw it fitting to share an embarrassing story from his teenage years. I felt a little awkward talking about Dead Space after that, but Max made up for it by announcing the official release date for Duke Nukem Forever. He also dropped some knowledge on the new World of Starcraft fan mod.

Speaking of video games, you should check out BiteJacker, a new zombie survival shooter that features Mr. Destructoid as a playable character! Max and I are happy for Mr. Destructoid, but we’re still sad that we ourselves are not in any video games. Who wouldn’t want to see a tiny pixelated Max Scoville getting bit in the jugular by a swarm of bloodthirsty vampires?

I thought so.

If for some reason you like us and want to see more of our obnoxious faces, then it would do you well to subscribe to our YouTube channel! It would make my mom so proud.

About The Author
Tara Long
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