Destructoid (the show): Killzone + Tomb Raider – WoW?!

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Holmes and I are slowly getting the hang of this “show” thing. Or at least I think so. We’ve perfected the art of condensing a good 2 days worth of gaming into 15 brief (and hopefully bearable) minutes, and today is no exception.

Come join us over on the YouTubes, where we talk about leaked Killzone 3 footage and the new PlayStation phone. I also drop some knowledge on Prototype 2 and the new Tomb Raider game, while Holmes gets all fanboy over the new Mega Man project and the possibility of new characters for Street Fighter IV 3DS. We also manage to sneak the midnight release of WoW: Cataclysm and the Civilization IV Grammy nomination somewhere in there. (Spoiler alert: I make fun of WoW players.)

Yikes, that’s a lot of news. I either need a drink or a nap right now, and I can’t decide which, so it’s probably best that I do both for good measure.

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Tara Long
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