Destructoid Theme Song Contest triple penetration

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Just to make things hard on you, Tron Knotts has dropped his latest hit single on Megaupload. After navigating a Playstation Store-esque labyrinth of frustration, you will be treated to a song that is best described as an amalgamation of NES game music, my little brother in the shower when he thinks no one is home, and Pantera.

Tron had this to say about his entry:

…it’s from the heart. The internets is like a never ending text based adventure game for me, with awesome pictures and sometimes even movies. And I always feel like I beat the last boss after reading the blogs on Destructoid.

Next up is PwnyBownz‘s “Destructoid Anthem“. Pwny is no stranger to rockin out with his also cocks out as he previously collaborated with GuitarAtomik to make the Pimp City Super Moves entry. His latest entry is best described as a cross between the theme for Flash Gordan, James Earl Jones, and Pantera.
Finally, hit the jump for DanielO (of no relation to Steve-O… supposedly) and his retro-tronic offering, entitled “Destructoid theme contest entry”. This piece is an interesting mix of sex in the mouth, 8-bit soundtracks, and, you guessed it, Wee Sing in Sillyville.
If you like what you hear then drop them some love in the comments. Remember, there is no limit to the number of entries allowed and the winner gets a complete Rock Band game set and of course, internet fame. Just try not to be a douchebag or you may end up world famous for all the wrong reasons…

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