Devolver Digital releases public test for The Talos Principle

A quantum leap forward in games marketing

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From the shy, but devilishly good-looking people at Devolver Digital and Croteam’s department of theoretical philosophy comes a brave new thought experiment in games marketing.

Rather than relying on the tried-and-true methodology of heavily marketing season passes for future downloadable content, Devolver and Croteam are boldly blazing trails down intellectual roads less traveled. This innovative new experiment, quaintly referred to within the department as a “free demonstration” is unique in that it is a condensed version of the final product, but available to the public well ahead of the product’s launch and at no charge.

When asked to explain the highly experimental technique, Devolver Digital’s chief financial officer Fork Parker was quoted as saying, “Let me dumb this down for you, simpletons — it’s like that cat in the box, except that we’re not talking about a cat, we’re talking about money. This theoretical cash we are discussing exists right now in a bank account located in the hypothetical future.

By placing an incomplete version of the final product in the hands of consumers now, we firmly believe that this will in turn produce measurable financial results at the time of The Talos Principle‘s launch.”

The public test for The Talos Principle will consist of four increasingly difficult complete puzzle levels, where players will be able to test the range of mechanics, as well as run a benchmarking AI bot for their PC. If you would like to take part in this grand experiment, applications can be submitted now at the department of theoretical philosophy’s Steam webpage.

Good luck philosophers, and Godspeed.

About The Author
Rob Morrow
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