+100 percent buff
For Diablo III‘s second anniversary, Blizzard introduced a temporary one-hundred percent boost to PC and Mac players’ Legendary item drop rate. Which was great — the buff, not the fact that it was for a limited time. From the sound of it, this was enough of an incentive for many Diablo players to log back in, at least for the week that it ran. But it’s not over!
“Due to the overwhelming popularity of our Anniversary buff we have decided to keep the increased Legendary drop rate once the Anniversary celebration ends,” wrote designer Travis Day. “Once the buff is disabled [this morning], you will find that the new base line drop rates for Legendary items will be the same as those you have all enjoyed for the last week.”
Been meaning to get back into Diablo III for a while now and, possibly, get Reaper of Souls while I’m at it. Haven’t played since well before the auction houses were taken offline.