Do you like good things? Enjoy this rad Jazzpunk trailer

Adam West Batman x espionage x sentient martinis x Airplane!

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Remember forever ago when I previewed trippy cyberpunk comedy spy thriller Jazzpunk? Let me just quote myself:

Jazzpunk is hilarious. I laughed, out loud and on the regular, while playing. It’s goofy, it’s surreal, it’s incisive and impeccably timed. There’s also a segment that features the most puns per minute I’ve ever encountered and I was left with the most reverent silence after stifling my snickering. Given how badly some games have attempted to be humorous, it’s almost embarrassing the degree to which Jazzpunk outclasses them, and I’ve barely raved on about the superb music — plenty of jazz coupled with some hokey 60’s television camp influence — and delightful, colorful art style.”

Or, let the two man development team speak for itself: “Jazzpunk is the best ‘First-Person Grapefruit Simulator’ that money can buy.”

We’ve established that Jazzpunk is flipping great. So, here’s a hilarious new trailer, along with the news that the game is coming out in January of 2014. You can even pre-order it for PC, Mac, and Linux, DRM-free.

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Steven Hansen
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