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Does Exoprimal have a single player mode?

An audience of one

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Capcom’s team-based dino-shooter Exoprimal is out now, and it’s got a lot of prehistoric combat to wade through. Some might be wondering, though, whether you’ll need a party or if Exoprimal can cater to the single player.

The horde-shooter certainly has a competitive lean, but it also has a surprisingly entwined story with its missions and dino-slaying excursions. So, can you play it without all those pesky players around?

Exoprimal is all about the multiplayer

The answer is no, there is not a solely single-player option for Exoprimal at this time. To be clear, this doesn’t mean you can’t queue up for a match by yourself; you can absolutely lone wolf your way through Exoprimal. But you will, with only a few exceptions, always be in a multiplayer setting, playing either directly or indirectly with other players.

There are a few instances in which you play a single-player instance of Exoprimal. They happen fairly early on in the story, too. One is the training mission, in which your Ace pilot is trained in how to operate an Exosuit. Another is the mission that introduces you to Magnum, and the war games that Leviathan will subject you to.

While these missions are single-player affairs, they’re the rare exception, and the core piece of Exoprimal—taking down waves of dinos—is currently a multiplayer affair. You’ll queue up, partner with four other players, and compete against an enemy team of five in PvE or PvP.

Some good news for PvE fans

There is some hope for PvE fans who want a less competitive experience. Exoprimal is set to get an update on July 28 that will introduce Savage Gauntlet, a co-op experience for five players that will pit them against some tough fights.

So while solo play isn’t in the cards, at the very least, you can avoid all that competition.

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Image of Eric Van Allen
Eric Van Allen
Senior Editor
Senior Editor - While Eric's been writing about games since 2014, he's been playing them for a lot longer. Usually found grinding RPG battles, digging into an indie gem, or hanging out around the Limsa Aethryte.