Don’t expect Uncharted 4’s story add-on anytime soon

‘It will be a while’

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Straight from the No News Is Sometimes News (Kind Of) file, Naughty Dog has dismissed the notion that the most important follow-up to Uncharted 4 will release in the near future. The game’s single-player story DLC is still a ways off, and the developer doesn’t really have any plans to talk about it anytime soon.

The (mostly) non-news came during today’s Uncharted 4 multiplayer livestream, and was reported on by Gamespot. A Naughty Dog employee said “It will be a while” before we hear any specifics about the add-on. It was also pointed out that the developer didn’t start production on that content until after the game had released in May.

Those who are itching for more multiplayer action will be placated quicker than those looking for supplemental narrative. The first multiplayer DLC releases tomorrow with new maps, new team deathmatch, and some weapons and cosmetics. As Naughty Dog revealed a while ago, all future mutliplayer content will be free. Don’t expect the same affable treatment whenever this single-player add-on eventually comes to be.

Uncharted 4 Single-Player DLC News Not Coming Soon [Gamespot]

About The Author
Brett Makedonski
While you laughing, we're passing, passing away. So y'all go rest y'all souls, 'Cause I know I'ma meet you up at the crossroads. Y'all know y'all forever got love from them Bone Thugs baby...
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