Giant Bomb got to preview Double Fine’s Happy Action Theater sequel recently and this is it, in all of its goofy glory. The entire interview is rather long, so if you just want to see a little of each mini-game shown you can go to 4:32 for costume dress-up, 11:16 for kung-fu, 15:58 shows off a photo editor, 19:20 has a neat video progression recorder, 24:02 has fairies, 27:55 is castle smashing, and 32:55 has dubstep.
First, if you don’t watch anything else, watch the section with dubstep. Second, this will be playable at PAX Prime this year, so you can go enjoy it early if you’re going to be there. Double Fine, you make all the fun things. Oh, and if you already own Happy Action Theater, all the original games will be unlocked in the sequel.
Quick Look EX: Double Fine Happy Action Theater Sequel [Giant Bomb]