Beta Goku!
Those eager to get their hands on the upcoming Switch port of Dragon Ball FighterZ should keep an eye out on the Bandai Namco Twitter account. Just announced today, a beta will be held next month in the lead up to the September 28 release date. It won’t just be the standard game, though, as new 1v1 and a 2v2 options will be available for testing. The Switch version will also have an exclusive offline 6-player party mode, which probably utilizes the ad-hoc features of the Switch.
While I’m not holding out hope for that party mode to hit other consoles, I would definitely kill for that 1v1 option. I like tag team games, but a traditional Dragon Ball Z fighter would be my jam.
ANNOUNCEMENT: The #NintendoSwitch Open Beta test for #DragonBallFighterZ is scheduled to start in August. The game will be released on September 28th with new local multiplayer features:
• 2v2 and 1v1 Match.
• Offline 6-player Party Match mode.— Bandai Namco US (@BandaiNamcoUS) July 23, 2018
Bandai Namco US [Twitter]