Everybody is currently feasting upon cloud computing’s nuts at the moment, with services such as OnLive promising a streaming videogame experience that could change the world forever. Dyack is a firm believer in the power of such cloudy chicanery, predicting that it could signal the end of the “golden era of videogames” and usher in a new dawn.
“2009 may be the end of the golden era of video games as the first cloud models for games are announced,” he states. The Too Human creator believes that cloud computing will end the tyrannical rule of second-hand games and piracy. So confident is Dyack in the power of this voodoo, he even discounts the issue of lag, claiming that all it would take for lag to disappear would be for hardware to be installed in every major city in the world. Is that all?!
Don’t worry though, Dyack and his crack team of Too Human developers aren’t ready to abandon consoles just yet: “Silicon Knights will continue to do console games as long as they’re profitable.”
Thank Christ for that!