The fine folks at Koei sent us a notice today that Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires is still, in fact, coming out on June 23 in both the US and EU. They probably felt the need to remind us due to the great distraction that was E3 2009 — what with the shiny motion controllers and all. They also included 100 screens that show both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions in action. Since 100 screens are a bit much to look through, I went ahead and narrowed them down to an even 30. There’s also a picture of a cat that Niero forwarded along with the PR. It may or may not be relevant.
I’ve traditionally ignored past Empires releases, figuring them to just be Dynasty Warriors with a mediocre, turn-based strategy component tacked on, but I’m actually sort of tempted to give this one a try. That’s because I’ve been hooked on Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI lately. It may be slow-paced, and have a very underwhelming soundtrack, but it’s been entertaining. Hopefully Empires 6 will turn out to be the same.
Also, I have no idea why I’m posting this story instead of resident Dynasty Warriors expert Sim Sterling. He’s probably still distracted by pictures of the motordyke.