Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 announced

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Looks like Koei and Namco-Bandai enjoyed their collaboration on Dynasty Warriors Gundam so much that they’re back for another go. Yep, the shameless conjunction of Koei’s button-mashing and Bandai’s massive robot suits will be returning to the PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360 this year.

Slated for a December 4 release, this sequel shouldn’t really be surprising. Dynasty Warriors and Gundam are two absurdly popular franchises in Japan, so it makes sense to deliver more. Looks like I know what I’ll be getting my hands on at the Koei booth at TGS, anyway (note to colleagues: Don’t let me near the Koei booth or no work will get done.)

The original Dynasty Warriors Gundam was okay, but nothing spectacular. Maybe if they beef up the variety of attacks and work on balancing the game’s difficulty a little better, the sequel will be much more enjoyable. Also, BURNING FINGER!

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James Stephanie Sterling
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