Dynasty Warriors Gundam and the case of the missing XBL demo

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In news that is sure to disappoint one person, that person being me, Namco Bandai announced a playable demo on Xbox Live for its collaboration with KOEI, Dynasty Warriors Gundam, only to deliver a big steaming plate of nothing. There were doubtless at least three Americans who think they’re Japanese waiting to pretend to be robots, but sadly the announcement was a case of crossed wires. GamingTalkHQ must have had its own resident Dynasty nut, because they contacted Namco Bandai for the skinny and got this response:

“Please be advised that this press release was distributed pre maturely, and we are working to post the demo on the marketplace as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.” 

How does that even happen? Perhaps they just got too excited by mass robot carnage to contain themselves. Now what am I going to do to satiate my need to be a giant robot that presses the X button repeatedly? 

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James Stephanie Sterling
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