E.X. Troopers: Lost Planet turned cute and super Japanese

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One might argue that third-person shooter series Lost Planet is already Japanese, but…well, not really. It’s pretty western, as that was the goal for the title at some point. But what if you took the basics — space exploration and third-perosn shooting — and turned the Japanese Factor up to 11, added J-pop, cell shading, laser beams, insane voice work and a comic/manga style setting? Well, you’d have the most Japanese game ever, called E.X. Troopers, set to release on PS3 and 3DS later this year in Japan. 

I’ve been all over the previously released trailers and gameplay teasers for E.X. Troopers, but this new reveal from today’s Nintendo Direct presentation tops them all. It shows off a bit of the story and characters at first, but finishes with some incredible looking boss battles.

Gimme this game. GIMME. Capcom, let’s hear that western release schedule. 

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Dale North
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