E3 09: Miyamoto checks out the competition

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Infiltrating an enemy base is often hard. It usually requires planning and Sam Fischer like stealth. However, I’m pretty sure Shigeru Miyamoto just had to cross the aisle in the West Hall of the LA Convention Center from Nintendo’s booth to Sony’s in order to get some time with the PSP Go. It makes sense he’d head over there, after all he’s the one who is all about the innovation in gaming and the PSP Go is pretty innovative or at least sexy looking.

Miyamoto didn’t stop there though. On Peter Molyneux’s Twitter it was announced that he demoed Milo to Miyamoto himself, allowing the creator of Mario to see just how well it all works. No comment on his reaction to SkyNet Milo, but one has to wonder if he sees this as a threat, like Iwata must, or as an incredible invention he must get his hands on. Either way, it’s good to see that most of the hatred between the companies is far more based on fanboy crap than actual dislike beetween industry pros.

Then again, I saw Miyamoto this year, and its pretty obvious that he could smile his way into anything.

[Kotaku via Kombo]

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Matthew Razak
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