Already own a PSP with a decent amount of titles in your collection? Looking to upgrade to a PSP Go, but aren’t sure what will become of your UMDs? It’s sounding like Sony is going to have a solution for you, and hopefully a free one at that.
Gizmodo set out to find out more from Sony’s John Koller, and the site got a nice explanation. “We’re in the midst of putting together a good will program,” he says, which will be revealed “soon.” Continuing, Koller says that “In the past, we’ve seen a 20-25% trade-up factor, and I assume that’s going to be the case here.”
The user experience for this program is said to be similar to Portable Copy, a free way to transfer Blu-ray movies from the PlayStation 3 to the PSP. Koller states that “users would not be ripping their UMDs” in this scenario, which leaves Gizmodo to speculate that it will be a “PSN-based digital distribution model.”
No word on whether or not the offer would allow you to theoretically and legally put digital versions of your UMDs on a PSP 1000, 2000, or 3000, but that would be pretty rad of Sony to allow. Perhaps a little too rad to be realistic, though.