E3 09: The Grinder is the Wii’s Left 4 Dead

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After I played Gladiator A.D., I checked out High Voltage’s upcoming Wii-exclusive FPS (built on the same stuff The Conduit is packing) The Grinder. Like we said earlier, it’s a game heavily influenced by Left 4 Dead in the sense that you’re fighting against hordes of creepy crawlies (zombies, vampires, werewolves, oh my!) controlled by High Voltage’s version of an AI director.

But there’s a not-so-subtle twist. Unlike Left 4 Dead, your protagonist isn’t a well-equipped victim. He’s a professional monster hunter and the monsters know it. (They’ll actually flee from you if they feel threatened; very cool stuff in action)

My time with the game was woefully short (and so was the demo), so I can’t comment on much in way of the game’s controls, however, it felt very much like The Conduit — very smooth, practically 1:1 movement.

One of the things that struck me, again, was the game’s style. It’s got a very southwester almost cowboy kind of feel. The level I played was full of sand, rusted cars, red canyons, and dilapidated shacks — a very western but modern feel at the same time. It was refreshing to see a game without the so much sci-fi lights and sounds.

The demo ended with me killing over 150 enemies on-screen in one massive bumrush. Needless to say, I’m excited.

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Brad BradNicholson
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