E3: PixelJunk SideScroller revealed

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Curiously absent from Sony’s press conference earlier today was the announcement of a new title in Q Games’ PixelJunk series. Such a thing does exist and expands the franchise into yet another classic genre of videogames, the sidesscrolling shooter. Players will be able to collect power-ups and add upgrades to their ship to give an edge against enemies.

No release date has been given for PixelJunk SideScroller.

I keep buying PixelJunk games and then not playing them to any significant degree, which is why I skipped on both Shooter titles. It’s not that I don’t think the games are good and the aesthetic certainly tickles my retro fancy. I just can’t get into them for some reason and this looks like an extension of the games in the franchise that I haven’t bought. 

PixelJunk SideScroller [PlayStation UK via NeoGAF]

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Conrad Zimmerman
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