Polish gaming Web site Polygamia tells us that the Army of Two street date was broken over there, but that’s not the real news item. Our focus here is on a bit of history that Electronic Arts seems to have missed.
When street dates are broken and games sneak out early, less fortunate gamers tend to pay extra attention at those “look at me, I got it early” pictures that the more fortunate share. In reading the fine print on the back of this foreign version of Army of Two, Polygamia noticed something odd in the fine print:
You must be 13+ to register online in Hungary & Czechoslovakia.
Electronic Arts, as of 1992, Czechoslovakia no longer exists! You must have not heard that the Czechs and Slovaks have parted ways.
To be fair, I guess this isn’t common American knowledge. We’re still going to make fun of you, though. Thanks for making the mistake in English!
[Thanks, Piotr]