EA + Tabloid = Half-naked woman in Crysis 3 bodypaint

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Sleaze meets sleaze to have a sleazy little baby

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The Sun loves to talk about how dangerous those violent videogames are, and frequently runs stories vilifying interactive entertainment for inspiring crime and teaching the youth of Britain all sorts of terrible things. Still, that won’t stop it from running pictures of a naked lady in the name of advertising Crysis 3

This tabloid’s love of basically-porn-that-somehow-isn’t-porn has been a long-standing hypocrisy every time it tries to play the moral guardian, but things get extra delicious when its love of the scant is used to promote the very videogames it demonizes. Not that Electronic Arts is off the hook, either — it makes itself look like a mainstream doormat by cuddling up to a half-baked “news” rag with a firmly established anti-game agenda. 

The woman, as a matter of general information, is Ashley Roberts, a judge on one of the dozens of “people performing a thing in a contrived thing” TV shows Britain has. As there’s no way of running this story without a picture of her, but no way to criticize the picture without subsequently being a hypocrite, I have plastered a great big Ekans over her nuddy regions. I’ve also added a Skitty in the corner, for fashion’s sake. 

Long story short — the Sun‘s a load of two-faced drivel, Electronic Arts should have more respect for its games than this, and Ekans is still the best Pokemon.

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