Republic and Imperial news services are a buzz with information relevant to any economic minded Star Wars: The Old Republic players. Balmorran transport company, Korrealis Corporation has ceased production of the “Sovereign”, “Prince”, “Baron” and “Commander” speeders and all vendors are clearing stock. Lifted restrictions on the resale of the speeders means that these will likely become highly sought after vehicles on the Galactic Trade Network. The price of tier II and III speeder license is also set to decline, however this will be balanced out with the increased taxes on any tier III speeder. The government has to get its credits somehow.
The dastardly Republic Strategic Information Service has struck at an Imperial science base on Ilum, stealing important technology and resources — including purple color crystals — which they intend to reverse engineer for use by Republic forces. The cheeky buggers. Not to be outdone, noble Imperial scientists have made their own breakthroughs in color crystals, once again balancing the playing field. Their goal: Any color crystal for any person.
On top of this, extremely rare white color crystals were discovered by a Hutt-sponsored expedition and have now found their way to vendors across the galaxy. While my preference is red, these are still going to be a valuable commodity. Here’s more information on patch 1.1.5. Wake me up when 1.2 is out and I get my bloody Legacy perks. My alts need more love!