28 Days Later and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West writer Alex Garland has confessed that he only bothered to play Heavenly Sword after meeting its developer, due to his being “f*cking sick” of the PS3.
“There weren’t any original games that really blew me away,” Garland told Edge. “I was really into Xbox Live; I was much more into playing Call Of Duty 4 on Xbox Live. So Xbox really had its claws into me, and I just never bought Heavenly Sword.”
After trying Heavenly Sword, Garland was suitably impressed enough to work with Ninja Theory on its next game, Enslaved, and I like to think that this was a pretty damn good decision. Enslaved is a fantastic game and the writing’s pretty awesome, although I now expect all the N4G users to dump on everything Garland’s ever written since he just bashed their favorite sex toy.
The man has an opinion. GET HIM!