You may have noticed the shnazzy image of a pale faced girl over to the right there in our listing of new videos over at Video.Destructoid. Those will feed you right on over to what I assume is an epic and awesome four part series on one of the greatest survival horror games ever, Silent Hill 2 (You can check the first one out above).
I say assume because the first video opens with a warning that says if you haven’t played the game you really shouldn’t be watching these videos. Alas, Silent Hill 2 is on my ever growing list of games that I need to play once I can sit around all day and just play classic videogames. If someone is interested in paying me to do this I will gladly play through Silent Hill 2 and tell you all about how interesting and provocative these videos are.
However, since I doubt that is going to happen I suggest those who have played the game just watch the videos and find out for themselves.