Even famous people look goofy playing Natal

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Who are you going to trust when it comes down to your opinion on Microsoft’s Natal? The small and lucky group of expert journalists who got the chance to demo the camera or famous people who have nothing to do with gaming? Why the latter of course! Microsoft knows this all too well and thus in between showing the tech off to people that matter they demonstrated it to the stars… or at least the moderately well known.

Felicia Day, Paul Rodriguez, Sugar Ray Leonard, Eric Dickerson and Willie Gault all got to look like really silly people and test Natal out. Considering they didn’t test out the “checking out the bottom of an Avatar’s shoe” mechanic I don’t think we should care what they think. However, it does give us more chances to see the thing actually working in action. They all seem pretty impressed, but just watching them use it I’m still not sold that it is indeed a better way to control games. A different way yes, but standing there faking a steering wheel just doesn’t seem that exciting. We shall see, but until then let’s all be swayed by what B-grade celebs think.

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Matthew Razak
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