I love this trend
In case you missed it, composer Grant Kirkhope recently tossed the soundtrack to Banjo-Kazooie up on Bandcamp with the pleasant option to pay what you want for the tunes. The decision did not end in painful regret, it would seem; he’s back today with the songs of Banjo-Tooie.
You can stream those for free or similarly name your price for access to downloadable copies right over here. Thinking back on the sequel, I should have liked it more than the original, but that never ended up being the case. Despite providing more of everything, on a grander scale, Tooie‘s reliance on switching between multiple characters became frustrating.
A great game overall, though — and its soundtrack is terrific. The shrills of “Terrydactyland” still creep me the eff out, all these years later.
[Via Pixelitis]
Published: Apr 18, 2013 03:00 pm