Everything from NYCC, cosplay, and Bowsette

It’s been a busy four days

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After a few days of recovery, it’s time to wrap up our coverage of New York Comic-Con. Between all of the running around most of us did from the Javitz Center to Madison Square Garden for the big panels, the Flixist crew is pretty damned tired and my back is killing me. And of course, it was an absolute blast that I would do again in a heartbeat. In case you missed all of our coverage over the past couple of days, here’s a handy dandy guide to everything that we were able to get to and all of our thoughts on it. 

While we were exploring around the Javitz Center, we were also in awe of the spectacular cosplayers and their beautiful costumes they put together for the event. Surprisingly, I only ran into five Bowsettes the entire time. To put that into perspective, I saw nine Monarchs from The Venture Bros and I was impressed that people actually remembered The Venture Bros existed. Take a look at the photos below and gaze in wonder at them. 

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Jesse Lab
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