Ex-Volition team members form Blazing Lizard, working on downloadable title

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After throwing darts a series of random words on a cork board, three former members of Volition have started up a new studio, Blazing Lizard. The core members of the team (including Sandeep Shekar, Jiovanie Velazquez, and token white guy, Christopher Stockman) have worked on previous high-profile Volition titles like Saint’s Row and The Punisher.

The studio is currently developing an original downloadable title for next-gen home consoles, and has plans to reveal more details on August 13. No other information is available at this time, but I’m hoping that it will involve shoving a dude’s face into a parahna tank, one of the highlights of Volition’s The Punisher.

[Via Gamesindustry.biz — Thanks, TheGoldenDonut!]

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Nick Chester
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