The “online pass” system was designed to combat used sales and make money from those who buy secondhand games. Except in the case of F.E.A.R 3, in which Warner Bros. apparently got so excited and giddy over the idea of the system that it forgot one important detail — giving players the ability to buy a pass if they get a used copy.
Warner Bros. appears to have overlooked the PlayStation Store when it comes to offering a downloadable pass. It’s on Xbox Live as an 800 Point “First Purchasers Maps and Modes Pack” but those who got the PS3 version are locked out of half the multiplayer. Warner Bros. says that it’s working on solving the issue, but reminds consumers that the codes are included in brand new copies.
I love stories like this, because I hate online passes and I revel in more evidence that publishers are too busy thinking about short-term gains to have their shit together. And they wonder why more gamers aren’t supporting them loyally at launch with $60 in hand? Pathetic.
PS3 Fear 3 suffering from online pass problems [Eurogamer]