Faith and a .45 officially on hold, tears officially shed

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Many of you may have forgotten the promising Faith and a .45, a depression-era co-op game from the same outfit that brought us Total Overdose. Its unique setting and Bonnie & Clyde-esque characters made this game incredibly appealing to me, but sadly it seems that the title is on hold until further notice.

I tried contacting Deadline Games about Faith a while ago, but didn’t seem to get anywhere. Others had more luck, and found out that, while the studio doesn’t have a problem making the game, it does have a problem finding anybody to publish it. Looks like nobody in the industry was as eager as I am to see this game released, so it’s currently on the rocks. 

I really hope a publisher heroically flies in to save this one from limbo. Deadline does good work, and it’d be a horrendous shame to see an original concept go the way of the dodo. We just need a publisher with a little Faith.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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