Fake Game Friday: Gears of Wario Ware

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New to Destructoid? On Fridays we like to give readers a chance to make up awesome video game ideas of their own. In the past, writer RevAnthony has single handedly predicted the L.A. Noire and Firefly MMO games months before they went public (we still like to think the game industry is spying on our genius ideas).

But your ideas definitely don’t need to be serious, we also welcome the craziest plots you can come up with, in fact we challenge you to outdo our writers’ best worst game ideas. The first one we ever posted was my ridiculous Colossus Crossing idea that attempted to combine Animal Crossing with Shadow of the Colossus. Yeah . . . still waiting for a game studio to steal that idea. For now RevAnthony remains the clairvoyant one, but this week long time reader Dexter345 has sent in one that’s possibly the craziest game we’ve ever posted. How crazy? This crazy: 

“The Locust Horde comes down to the planet Sera. They try to enslave the inhabitants of the planet. Only one man can save everything. That man is Wario (played by Marcus Fenix).”

It definitely doesn’t go downhill from there either, hit the green matchstick jump to read the rest of his truly next generation game. Got a genius idea for a game of your own? Email it to RevAnthony, or (preferably) post it in our forums where E.A. employees lurk in search of the next Will Wright.


The Locust Horde comes down to the planet Sera. They try to enslave the inhabitants of the planet. Only one man can save everything. That man is Wario (played by Marcus Fenix).

The Locust Horde’s plan to enslave everybody involves forcing them to participate in thousands (millions?) of inane four second tasks. Wario/Marcus Fenix (or Warcus as I will refer to him from this point forward) must gather up all

of his beautifully rendered, HD, oddball friends to fight the Locust Horde. Each of them has their own talents, like Mona is great at picking her nose and 8-Bit just loves to play those retro XBox 1 games. Did I mention that they do all of this in HD?

Okay, so basically what I am proposing is Wario Ware, but with better graphics and blood. And a semi-clever title.

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Tom Fronczak
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