Fallout 3 pics: Making ugly look beautiful

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Dystopian wastelands have never looked quite so good, in my opinion. The Fallout 3 Post Nuclear Blog has collected a bunch of new screenshots for you to check out that show off how good Bethesda’s take on the Fallout universe is looking. I’m sure that the obsessed and creepy purists will find something to moan about, like, “That skeletal mutant doesn’t look skeletally mutantish enough to be ‘true’ Fallout, fnar fnar,” but who cares about them?

I’m certainly liking it. The wasted backdrops look gorgeously derelict, while the monsters on show are rather grotesque and icky looking. Check out the guy who looks like the Crypt Keeper. What do you guys think? Let Destructoid know if Fallout 3 is on your list of DO WANTS this year.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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