Fallout 4 gameplay leaks via porn site

Not the only thing that’s leaking

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Fallout 4 was at gamescom 2015 in the form of a closed off theatre demo you could wait in a real long line for. But why wait in a line when you can just watch “Hidden Camera Shows Audience Teased by Big Butt Man in Tights Live” on line. Hah.

It’s actually not about butts at all, but a sneaky recording of Fallout 4.

You can watch it here, but obvious NSFW warning, as it leaks to a porn site with videos like, “Babe Red-head lesbian,” “Wake me for Sex,” and “Titfuck until completion.” You won’t get completion out of Fallout 4, which recently announced it would continue post-credits and there would be no level cap (or jimmy hat).

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Steven Hansen
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