Fallout 76 won’t be featuring cross-play

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In a tweet from Bethesda’s Pete Hines (Senior Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications), it turns out Fallout 76 will not be supporting cross-play. Hines doesn’t go into more detail (considering this was on Twitter), but he does add in that he isn’t sure “if it ever will” in the future.

On the one hand, I can totally understand the feature not being ready for launch. Sony just announced it was looking into cross-play this morning, starting with Fortnite, so it is likely impossible to have those features working within a month and a half (Fallout 76 launches on November 14).

On the other hand, how does The Elder Scrolls Legends rely more on cross-play than what is possibly Bethesda’s biggest release of the year? It might not be “critical” to the Fallout 76 experience, as Hines puts it, but cross-play certainly would help friends play together easier.

Whatever the case, I guess you better start making plans with your friends for which console you’ll be grabbing Fallout 76 for (if at all).

Pete Hines [Twitter]

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Peter Glagowski
Former Dtoid staff member.
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