Fan-Made 80s Teen Comedy ‘Legend of Zelda’ Trailer is Rad

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Like a a lot of people, I have a very special place in my heart-container for The Legend of Zelda series. On top of that, I’m also a sucker for 80s pop-culture. That’s probably why I made a teenage girl-ish giggle-squeak when I saw this fan-made trailer for a Legend of Zelda movie as it would’ve been as a John Hughes-esque teen comedy.

This was put together by the same guys who did The God of War Indie Film trailer and Inglorious Plummers, which are both totally worth checking out if you haven’t seen them. The videos might not be comedic genius, but they’re definitely worth a smile and an “I see what you did there.” And they’re better than most real video game movie adaptations.

I’m curious to see what trailer these guys do next. Fingers crossed for a Metal Gear Solid buddy comedy.

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Max Scoville
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