Filmmaker James Gunn tapped for Lollipop Chainsaw

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[Update: James Gunn has clarified his role a bit, and it appears he was on board with the game from its inception.

“I was involved with crafting the story, and helping to create the characters, and writing the dialogue,” he writes, “This was not only stuff that affects the English translation of the game, but the heart of the game itself — so yes, the Japanese version has my imprint on it as well.”

He also drops a little tease, adding “many of the the folks who you see regularly in my films and other projects also have roles to play in Lollipop Chainsaw.” Gunn has worked with a wide variety of actors and actresses, so who could make an appearance is anyone’s guess.]

We got a bit of great news today when Warner Bros. announced that it would be partnering with Kadokawa Games to bring Grasshopper Manufacturers’ Lollipop Chainsaw to the world outside of Asia.

An interesting tidbit hiding within the announcement is that Hollywood writer and director James Gunn would be doing… something for the upcoming game. Given Gunn’s background, it seems likely that he’ll be lending a hand to Suda 51’s team in helping translate the bizarre story of a zombie-slaughtering cheerleader for North American audiences.

Gunn’s got a track record that fits right in with Grasshopper’s off-beat sense of humor and aesthetic. He’s not only written two Scooby-Doo live action films, but penned the excellent 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead. His directing credits include the monster-comedy Slither, and a web series called PG Porn. Seems like the perfect fit to me, and I’m looking forward to seeing just what he has to bring to the table. My guess is boobs and gore, but I’m no expert.

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Nick Chester
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