Final Fantasy XIII-2 screens: Worst military suits ever

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I have some new screenshots of Final Fantasy XIII-2 today. They’re pretty enough, as expected, but I realized something after looking at them today that I should have noticed a long time ago. The military outfits in Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 are ridiculous! They make the hair, belts and buckles on the main characters seem sensible. I mean, come on! Instead of something dark or camouflage, these guys are wearing bright yellow. And what’s with the neon rings on their legs? Are they going to a rave after the random encounter?

The rest of the screens are lovely, even if I’m not sure what’s going on. Serah’s skimpy outfit is fitting for a main character from a Square Enix RPG epic, wouldn’t you say? Not enough pink hair in these screens, though. Elsewhere, Bahamut gets his ass kicked. Some NPCs have very little to say. They’re screenshots. What do you want from me?

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Dale North
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