The perfect festive gift for any lover of Eorzea, Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III – The World of Final Fantasy XIV is now available to pre-order.
Are you hunting for a festive gift for the Eorzeaphile in your life? Or perhaps simply want to expand your knowledge of the fictional world while also expanding upon your book collection? Well, don’t worry! The third in a collection of what is, at least so far, a collection of three Encyclopaedias detailing everything anyone could ever want to know about Eorzea and beyond. The book is now available to pre-order and will be shipped to buyers from December 19 onwards!Â
What to expect from Volume III?Â

Encyclopaedia Eorzea III – The World of Final Fantasy XIV details everything from locations to enemies, companions and everything in between. Information about every race within the game, both playable and otherwise, features within the pages, and diving into the books is like taking a journey into the world that we’ve come to know and love from playing through the years.Â
From the sneak peek images that have been released ahead of the book going on general sale, it appears that volume three will delve into the lore of both Shadowbringers and Endwalker, providing more information on subjects such as the Crystarium and the Megadhuta Administration.Â
Is there an item code?

Encyclopaedia Eorzea III comes with an additional item code for a Wind-up Fourchenault, because who doesn’t want a miniature version of Papa Leveilleur following them around everywhere? This is in line with the previous two volumes, which came with the Namingway minion and the return of Matoya’s Hat, respectively.
Most of us have the Twins’ Mother dressed in all manner of ridiculous outfits after completing her Custom Deliveries and now we can take their Father’s mini-me on our adventures. Quite literally fun for all the family – even if that family is the Leveilleurs, and they don’t see quite as much fun in it as we do.Â
Is this the last Encyclopaedia Eorzea?
It’s unlikely this will be the final Encyclopaedia Eorzea, but nothing is announced at this time. Although volume three seems to cover everything up until the current point within the timeline of FFXIV, Dawn Trail is releasing in Summer 2024 and will deliver us a whole host of new worlds, new races and a brand new story arc that will likely be covered within an as yet unannounced volume four.Â
It’s been five years since volume two was released and, as such, players might be waiting a while before we hear any news of a potential volume four. However, I’m sure I’m not alone in hoping that I can expand my Encyclopaedia collection with any possible future volumes.
For more information, or to pre-order a copy for yourself or your loved one, head on over to the Square Enix store. Â
Published: Dec 10, 2023 10:37 am