It’s like Square Enix’s version of the Discovery Channel
“And here we see the majestic Behemoth on the hunt for food in its natural habitat. Watch as it establishes dominance over the other Behemoths within its territory.”
We’ve already seen trailers and gameplay footage of Final Fantasy XV, so now we’re getting a closer look at the world of the game. Square Enix released the first of these “World of Wonder” videos, showcasing some of the wildlife and ecology we can expect to see, using the real-time graphics engine. Those environments are looking quite spectacular and lively!
The faux-nature documentary features several Final Fantasy staples roaming the wilderness and interacting with each other, including Chocobos, Catoblepas, Coeurls, and of course, the majestic Behemoth. Have we seen any Cactuars or Tonberries yet? Gotta get those guys in the mix.