Final Fantasy XVI Ahriman Hunt bounty
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Final Fantasy XVI (FF16) Ahriman Hunt guide

A first time for everything

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Hunts are a big draw for Final Fantasy XVI‘s side activities. They task the player with finding and locating a monster, then defeating it for the reward. But some, like the Ahriman in Final Fantasy XVI, aren’t terribly hard to locate.

Taking on the Ahriman in Final Fantasy XVI is useful to learn though, as this enemy will be one that shows up at least a few times in your playthrough. So tackling it when it appears, rather than fleeing and leaving it, is worth both the figurative and literal experience.

Ahriman location & directions in Final Fantasy XVI (FF16)

The nice part about the Ahriman is that it acts as a tutorial for Notorious Marks, the targets of Hunts. It’s pretty impossible to not run into the Ahriman during the main story quest “The Gathering Storm”, on your way from the abbey to the river to spread the dust. The Ahriman sits at a chokepoint between your starting location and waypoint, so you’ll run right into it.

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But, it’s important to note that you could potentially run away from the fight. If so, you can still find it hanging around at the above location. The map will also update to keep the Ahriman location on record, as it will with any other Hunt target you find.

Final Fantasy XVI (FF16) Ahriman tips & tricks

The Ahriman is a C-rank Hunt, putting it on the fairly easy side of things. You shouldn’t have too much trouble with it, as long as you pay close attention. But we’ll run down some of the trickier moves here.

A regular part of the Ahriman’s rotation is two orbs that will slowly track Clive, followed by an eye-beam laser. You can either dodge around the orbs, or use abilities like Heatwave to absorb the magic, getting a power boost in the process.

Quaga is the most important spell to keep an eye on. After tracking Clive for some time, an AoE marker will drop on the ground. If you stay in it, you’ll get slammed with a heavy dose of magic.

Clive fighting an Ahriman in Final Fantasy XVI (FF16)
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Just keep an eye on your surroundings, and you’ll be fine. The Ahriman is easy enough to handle, and will even become a bit of a standard enemy near the end of the game, so it’s worth getting familiar with its attacks and patterns now.

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Image of Eric Van Allen
Eric Van Allen
Senior Editor
Senior Editor - While Eric's been writing about games since 2014, he's been playing them for a lot longer. Usually found grinding RPG battles, digging into an indie gem, or hanging out around the Limsa Aethryte.