Man, I don’t know how many times I’ve been at some industry event for this fine Web site this year, feeling drained and tired after not sleeping and drinking working too much. I’m always in need of a pick-me-up, but most places give you crap like old cookies or the rancid 5-hour Energy Drink. Or a Beefsteak tomato salad. Seriously? Beefsteak tomatoes?
What I’d really like is to just happen upon Mega Man’s “E” tanks during my work days. Just walk over one and you’re good! Amazingly, E tanks are real now, thanks to the marketing muscle at Capcom Japan, according to Siliconera. For just 137 yen ($1.25) you can get your own Rockman E-Tank Sports Drink at your local Japanese konbini. You can thank Mega Man 9 for this. I bet it tastes like sh*t, but if it gets me through another “level,” I’ll take it. Besides, Mega Man would never pass on one, right?
Maybe they will make one that enable me to shoot a ring of leaves at people. That would be really useful.
I’ll do my best to have someone send this over and tell you what it tastes like later.