Fire Bracers serve up crispy orc in Orcs Must Die

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Orcs aren’t unlike you or me. If you prick them, do they not bleed? If you tickle them, do they not laugh? If you shoot fireballs at them by way of magic gauntlets that shoot fireballs, do they not go up in flames and then die of third-degree burns and asphyxiation?

Robot Entertainment’s upcoming Orcs Must Die! is a third-person action tower defense strategy title that has you (surprise!) killing orcs. Today, the developer is introducing the Fire Bracers, which allow players to set up walls of fire or directly burn orcs to a crisp.

This short clip of the Fire Bracers in action proves they’ll be a formidable weapon against the orc menace. Poor orcs.

For more, check out our first-look preview of Orcs Must Die!.

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Nick Chester
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