First Tekken 6 gameplay videos look like… well, Tekken

Although the home game is going to be conspicuously absent from E3, the Tekken 6 arcade cabinets have already begun rolling out in Japan, resulting in the above shakeycam extravaganza, and an additional two which lurk after the jump.

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First impressions? Well to be honest, while the video quality is less that great, it’d take a Super Hi-Vision hologram display beamed directly into my brain through a metal spike jammed into my eye to get my pulse raised over Tekken these days. I’m not saying that Tekken 6 is necessarily going to be a bad game. In fact there’s every chance it’ll be just the opposite. It’s just that with so many new and interesting games coming out this year and next, and Virtua Fighter 5 on the way, another Tekken sequel is a couple of spaces above Halo 3 on the list of games I really do not need in my life.

Still, between the last trailer and these videos it looks to be a solid next-gen iteration of the series and it’s bound to find a massive fanbase regardless of my curmudgeonly protests, so hit the jump for the rest of the videos and check out the gallery for a couple of photos.

[Via N4G]

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David Houghton
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